Wow! I’m very sure you all know why I had to exclaimed wow… the week has been stressful for me, couple with election Saga… I know you know the result already… Let me be mute for now!
This particular post is for all blackberry users and Window phone users. Its no longer news that you can make WhatsApp call on Android. I’m pretty much sure that all android devices are now WhatsApp call activated. If you are not activated, then you are in for a long thing.
Blackberry users have actually being sidelined fora very long time without any updates from WhatsApp, but I’ve got a good news for you, you can now activate your WhatsApp call features on all Blackberry phones and on Window phones.
How Can I activate WhatsApp Call on Blackberry&Window Phones?

===>Make sure you have the latest version of WhatsApp installed on your device or otherwise go to appworld and updates your WhatsApp application.
==>Once your Whatsapp is updated, Drop your number using the comments section, so that someone with active WHatsapp call can pass a call across to you or me.
Do You Know…
You can save call credit by making use of WhatsApp call…  Regardless of the country where you are based, don’t waste any more airtime, let WhatsApp call do the Job.