You can make your memorycard not to be seen by anybody.
Just follow these steps and drop your comment.
Go to your memorycard rename it from memorycard to'miratech.ota'thats what you will rename your memorycard to.
Immediately your memorycard will disappear and no matter how they search your phone,they can not see it again.
Then If you want it to show again,i mean if you want your memorycard to be seen again,then you will go and download BLUE FTP.
Its The BlueFtp that you will use to make it show again.
If you have download the blueftp,then launch it
After you have launch it,it will bring two folder out,(1)phone(2)'miratech.ota'. Then scroll down to'miratech.ota'and click ok.
Then it will show you where to rename your memorycard.
Then rename your memorycard to any name you like.
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