I've recieved many request on 'HOW TO WATCH DSTV ON JAVA OR SYMBIAN PHONE'.
In this post i'll be treating all that, before i give you the steps make sure you have the default access point of your network provider.
1. Goto your phone configuration settings, move to 'personal configuration settings', click option, click 'Add new', move 'streaming'.
2. In the streaming settings put this UDP PORT RANGE: 6970-3200 USE PREFERD ACCESSPOINT:
No 3. In the Access point put this PROXY: DISABLE
4. Goto bearer settings, in the access point tab put the access point of your network provider e.g MTN: web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net ETISALAT: etisalat
5. In your opera or web browser go to http://wap.freebe.rok.tv/index.cgi?m=pc17416866 6. Select any channel you want to watch. Click connection over gprs. A text pops up asking if you want to goto web address. Click yes. Another window pops out asking permission to start streaming, select yes.
Your connection starts automatically.
1. Open your real player, goto option, settings, click on connection/streaming.
2. Select proxy and set as on.
3. Go back and click on network. Select the access point of the network provider you're using.
4. Configure the following like this: ONLINE TIME: UNLIMITED LOWEST UDP PORT: 6970 HIGHEST UDP PORT: 32000
5. Go to option and select advanced settings.
6. Configure the following as follows: GPRS BAND WIDTH: 32.5Kbps EGPRS BAND WIDTH: 84.42kbps/89.60 kbps
7. Go to your opera or web browser and visit http://wap.freebe.rok.tv/index.cgi?m=pc17416866
8. Choose any channel you want to watch. Select connection over GPRS if you're using GPRS or select connection with wifi if you're using an EGPRS/WIFFI enabled phone. A text pops up asking 'connection to server needed?' click yes.
9. It will take you automatically to your real player, where you'll watch the channel. That's all. Remember to keep sharing with your facebook friends, through the facebook share button below
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Description : I've recieved many request on 'HOW TO WATCH DSTV ON JAVA OR SYMBIAN PHONE'. In this post i'll be treating all that, before i...
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