There are many ways to apply this trick but I am giving you a method which I think its the easiest.
Open your computer system (Laptop/Desktop) and connect to internet.
1) Download BLUESTACKS to your pc.
Click Here To DownloadBluestacks offers a free android app player for windows and mac OS to install and run android apps on pc.
2) After downloading, Start installation.
3) In case if you are not using graphics card, then while installation, you might get a pop-up box warning. Don’t worry just click “OK” installation will not terminate.
4) Soon after installation, a screen like following screenshot will appear.

5) Now click on App Stores icon to access android application markets like Get Jar, Amazon App store and 1Mobile.
6) Click on any of the app market then
search and install android apps on windows
NOTE: You can use this tutorial to install WHATSAPP application and BBM on your pc. Enjoy and share this post on your timeline.
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Title :
How To Install And Run Android Apps On Windows PC (Laptop or Desktop)
Description : There are many ways to apply this trick but I am giving you a method which I think its the easiest. Open your computer system (Laptop/Deskto...
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